smart way to earn money online

hi friend today i going to tell you to earn money online and  how can you became a 
business man without investing  a lot of money
lets start........

friends it depends on your interest  that in which type of work you have have knowledge

1- BIOFLOK : friends if you are a farmer and want to earning more then by your crops.
then simply you can do some investment for your make bioflock pool 
yes can do their fish production this is an advance search for the farmers in this business you have to invest only few rupees and according to other fish production this is much better here production is more then 50 percent good then other fish production 
and feeding is very low according to others

smart earn

2-KADAKNATH : friends kadaknath is black chicken price of kadaknath is more then 10% of white chicken and the egg cost of kadaknath is 50 to 70 rupees in market because kadaknath chicken don't have fat and is very powerful for sex.
and it many type of vitamin if some is lessing from from blood then it is very good for him it increase blood very fast

smart earn

3- POLYHOUSE : polyhouse is aslo a good work but here investment is too much 

smart earn

4- TOMATO CROP :  yes friend tomato crop is also very good it also gave a good average 

smart earn
